Top 10 Thrill Books available "FREE" in 2020

" Reading books in lockdown will make you more refreshing and filled with new ideas"

We often recommend books that interest readers and delivers interesting stories. The best thing about thrill niche books is that we get to relate those stories with our real life incidences. Also, books gives us no time to focus on other world worries and leaves us in a world of joy.

Hope , you guys are all well. This Coronavirus outbreak has all led us to home lockdown situation , where other than doing the 3 step work :

1. Eat 
2. Sleep 
3. Repeat ;

We are doing nothing . Where government is looking onto options for fighting this outbreak , we in lockdown are feeling helpless to do anything other than just watching the webseries , youtube , Netflix and all . 

But after getting so much queries, we have now come with an interesting activity for our readers to do from there home and that too with their mobiles online . You might be too interested to know and that is Book reading .

In this post , we will recommend you few books that are purely based on suspicious stories and the most searched on Web . But before we provide you our recomendations , we know you'll be having these queries in mind. 

Q1. Why books why not gaming ?

Gaming do improves brain skills , but book worming sharpens your brain and enhances your brain skills . This is a best way to refresh mind . Hope the query is solved.

Q2. Why books of thrill concept ?

Books based on thrill stories builds interest and are much engaging, where you find yourself in a state of addiction to the story .

Q3. Books during lockdown , where to buy ?

This is a query which you will feel answered at the end of this blog.

Top 10 Most Recomended Books with " Thrill Concept " to Read in 2020

Author  Christopher Greyson

About : A story about 4 brutal murders where a girl was suspected to kill them . But actually 
what she did with those 4 men no one knowns . Police suspected the girl and didn't believe her story. The girl also drunks and ......

The Girl Who Lived: A Thrilling Suspense Novel
Image Credits  : Amazon 

Price :  Rs 449 / Kindle Edition

Buy Now 

2.  3 Thrilling Tales
Author : Ananya Puri

About : A bedtime story book for kids to made them sleep , all innovative , creative and entertaining . The book comprise of three thrilling stories which will take you and your children on a thrilling ride

3 Thrilling Tales
Image Credits : Amazon 

Price : Rs 69 / Kindle Edition

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3. 21 Dares: A Florida Suspense Mystery

Author : JC Gatlin

About : A suspense mystery of Florida , in which a girl on her 21st birthday throws a birthday bash and plays a game of 21 dares .Where she accepted and sends dares to her friend . She received a dare from a mystery man and how the story goes you will read all about it .

21 Dares: A Florida Suspense Mystery by [JC Gatlin]
Image Credits : Amazon

Price : Free / Kindle Edition 

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4. Three Shades of Thrill: Novoneel Chakraborty Boxed set Paperback 

Author : Navneet Chakraborty

About : Story of 5 geeks who went to Bollywood to make their career and what mysteries happened with them individually all is explained in this book . The books thrill as life events of all 5 goes more deeper in the stories .

Image Credits : Amazon 

Price : Free / Kindle Edition 

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5.  The One Living in me : A Gripping Suspense Thriller Novel Paperback 

Author : Sravan Vemula

About : The story is all about a person with split personality disorder , who is obsessed with a girl who just entered his office as a clerk . As the story goes , the story gets more twists and turns . The theme is full of surprises and thrill of different interactions .

Image Credits : Amazon

Price : Free /Kindle Edition

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6. Case No. 56 Paperback 

Author : Chandrashekhar Nagwaram

About : The story is all about inspector James and young detective Amar Sagar who manages to solve a murder mystery . They untie the knot of incidences , solving it and thinking it to be a murder or kidnap but the reality comes on the opposite side.

Image Credits : Amazon 

Price : Free / Kindle Addition 

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7. TRAP (Hindi Edition) Kindle Edition

Author : Santosh Pathak

About पुलिस की निगाहों में शशांक यादव कई हत्याओं के लिए जिम्मेदार, ऐसा खतरनाक मुजरिम था  ना तो पुलिस के पास उसके खिलाफ सबूतों की कोई कमी थी ना ही उसके बच निकलने की कोई उम्मीद! बावजूद इसके उसका दावा था कि वह बेगुनाह है, उसे फंसाया जा रहा है।जिसका मुकाम जेल की चार दीवारी के भीतर होना चाहिए था। 

TRAP (Hindi Edition) by [SANTOSH PATHAK]
Image Credits : Amazon 

Price : Rs 99

Buy Now 

8. The Trapped Girl (Tracy Crosswhite) Paperback

Author : Robert Dugoni

About : A person founds a body of a women chiling in lakes of Puget Sound and hires a detective Tracy Croosswhile to solve her murder mystery. In between teh detective is stuck spying some agency and the story goes more thrilling .

Price : Free / Kindle Edition 

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9. While You Were Sleeping: A gripping psychological thriller you just can't put down Paperback

Author : Kathryn Croft

About : A women wakes up and found that she was sleeping with a dead man and in 
some other house , what actually happens with her is all mystery .

Image Credits : Amazon

Price : Free / Kindle Edition 

Buy Now 

10.  Into the Water: The Sunday Times Bestseller Paperback 

Author : Paula Hawkins 

About : It is an addictive thriller horror , where  a girls founds something odd in a pond water behind her house and the story goes from there to many life shorts.

Image Credit : Amazon 
Price : Free / Kindle Edition

Buy Now 

You can buy any of the above books for a thriling experience and have your hands on the most thrilling and best selling books .

Now  about your query - The links I have provided above are all unavailaible due to Coronavirus Outbreak , So you might all be thinking how can you excess all these books and read them ,

So , we have an other way out for this also as you can donwload the Amazon E-Book App . With this E-book app you can purchase and download these books and enhoy read them in your mobile devices..

Do comment did you liked our reccomendations above .

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Top 10 Thrill Books available "FREE" in 2020 Top 10 Thrill Books available "FREE" in 2020 Reviewed by MySEO on April 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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